WHY NOT HISTORY 1965 to 2023 WHY NOT first started off in October 1965 when Ian Scotney met up with Geoff "Mad Dog" Horgan and had a jam together and decided to form a band. Importing Neil Adams on Drums and Platon Georgiades on Bass they decided to call their band THE PSYCHEDELIC SCORZONERA. (Scorzonera being a Spanish name for Hash or Pot). Geoff Horgan wanted the band name Why Not but was out voted by the other band members. At the time Beat Music was all the rage, but these four lads were not into that kind of music but were more interested in Psychedelic rock that was coming out of Chicago and Detriot at that time. In March 1966 they changed the name of the band to THE REVOLUTION.
Importing a Manager to the Band they took on BIG GEOFF DULLEY who have performed in a blues band and who showed them the ropes and who found gigs for the band to perform.
In 1967 they signed to Modern Home Music Records a small independent label in London, England and released their first Single titled A Side I´VE GONE penned by Geoff Horgan (Mad Dog as he was later known to fans) and the B Side WALKING BY MYSELF penned by Jans Laine. The Single was quite a success and sold around 18,000 Vinyl Singles per mail order and at gigs of the band. Then was released their first long play Record titled "REVOLUTION 99" now available on Downloads worldwide. Many other albums were recorded and tracks released independently by the band on plain music cassettes and sold at their gigs.
In 1968 the Band changed its name once again to NEW LIFE having imported a new Drummer into the Band KEN (last name unknown) and Neil Adams became Lead Singer and on Keyboards. They were to record with this line-up lots more independent recordings sold on music cassettes at their gigs. Geoff Horgan was writing all the songs and still does for WHY NOT and they were recording hundreds of tracks in Neil´s garage or front room on 4 track and 8 track tape machines. A lot of those tracks are now available under New Life, The Revolution, and Why Not on downloads. They were turning out what one could call a new album nearly every week, a massive amount of tracks which WHY NOT´s now producer is now re-mastering for a series of Why Not, The Psychedelic Scozonera, New Life and The Revolution Re-Masters Series being loaded onto the Internet very soon on hundreds of Albums on downloads eventally under the production name Digital Recordings. or Why Not Productions.
In June 1968 as well NEW LIFE got to perform the now famous free open air concert in Hitchin in Bedforshire (North Of London) before thousands of hippies performing all original songs in psychedleic mode. some photos of that gig you can see in Photos of Why Not in the Gallery, and in the CD Booklet from their Revolution Inc. Album.
In 1969 the band members split up with Ian Scotney left moving to live in Australia.
Geoff "Mad Dog" Horgan went out into the wilderness and performed with various other bands, including an audition for the band Yes which he got turned down for, and eventually teamed up with a band called TOAD whom he only performed 2 gigs with but very well attended gigs.
In December 1970 Geoff Horgan teamed up once again with Platon Georgiades on Bass and Neil Adams on Lead Vocals and two new members Rob Godwin on Drums and Chris Page on Keyboards (Cousin of Jimmy Page) and so Geoff Horgan got his way and WHY NOT was born onto the Rock scene, and so it is WHY NOT carries on still today.
Big Geoff Dulley took on the roll of Road Manager and WHY NOT got a new Manager Graham Rollinson (Editor at Penthouse Magazine) who had about 30 other bands under his wing and so WHY NOT turned professional and started 6 years career of recording and touring wth other well know bands. WHY NOT were told that they were never going to be the top band but were employed to merely be the support band for many other top named bands and toured with the likes of: Camel, Deep Purple, Argent, T-Rex, Taste, Stud, The Pretty Things, Colleseum, ELO, Grateful Dead, Formerly Fat Harry, The Who, to name but a few and many more. They were signed still to Modern Home Records who were now a part of a major record group, and recorded in that period from 1970-1976 three albums, The White Album, The Pink Album and The Orange Album, the original demo recordings of those albums now available on Downloads worlwide.
They toured all over Europe and the some other parts of the world performing their art of Progressive Rock music as a support band with some headlining dates as well, and two tours in the USA, and Japan.
In 1976 Why Not split after having made some impact on the world of rock music but their progressive art of music did not catch on so the band members decided since their record contract had come to an end to go their separate ways. All photos of the band were mainly taken by their then Road Manager Big Geoff Dulley and as a result of a fire at his house all of their tour photos were destroyed over night which was a blow to the band as six years of touring all went up in smoke overnight.
Some photos were retained but not many. If any fans ever saw WHY NOT perform and took photos we would be very happy to make copies of them.
in 1980 Geoff "Mad Dog" Horgan got the band back together again to record a new idea album and all the original members of WHY NOT started work on this new idea. Geoff´s composing had improved somewhat and they started working on the new album. Members would come and go recording this album and it didn´t quite get properly finished so once again the band split up and all the members went onto to other things. That was the final ending of the original line-up of WHY NOT from the 1970´s.
But it was not over yet by any means. Geoff "Mad Dog" Horgan still continued a career in music working as a songwriter writing songs for many other artists successfully and recording an album under the Why Not flag here and there with various line up´s of musicians as well as recording a lot of tracks that were never released which are now all featured on downloads today. (See Amazon WHY NOT under digital releases, mp3)
In 1992 Geoff met up with Reg Fellows (Producer of such bands as Diamond Head, Radio Moscow, Def Leppard, etc) and who was also a big fan of Why Not havng seen them play live in the 70´s, and together they set about finishing off the Why Not album which was started in 1980. Together with the help of a few well known session musicians and Geoff re-doing some vocal and guitar parts by 1994 the album was finished and ready for release.
But it took another few years before that album saw the light of day under going yet another digital re-master by Dirk Buro in 1999.
In 1997 Geoff "Mad Dog" Horgan re-started WHY NOT once again but with a completely new line-up of well known musicians. Mark Gamble on Keyboards (EX-KWS fame), Groover on Drums (Ex-Steppenwolf, Bryan Adams), Dirk Buro on Bass (Ex-Incognito) and Mad dog himself on Vocals and Lead/Rhythm Guitar. Together they released the Album "No Angles" in 2001.
But the first album released in 1998 was Titled "Love Is All" on Megaphon Records in 1998. The album received mild press reviews but was a new start for Why Not.
Rolling Stone magazine wrote "WHY NOT is back, Rock is Back".
In the year 2000 Geoff signed a deal with Worldwide Records in New York (SPN International) for the Album started in 1980 now titled "Revolution Inc." and it sold extremely well around the world, and is still available on downloads even today and on imports CDs on Amazon.
In 2001 WHY NOT released the album titled "No Angles" together with a CD EP titled "Here For You/Upside Down". Sponsored by a big fasion magazine and German Telecom.
In 2002 WHY NOT releaed the now controversial Album "The Fifth Dimension" a return to the Progressive Rock Geoff "Mad Dog" horgan loves to record. The album was not a great seller because the press really did not understand the album.
In 2004 WHY NOT released the Hard Rock album "On Your Radio" on Magnum Music Label UK. (Major Indie Label)
in 2005 WHY NOT released a limited edition album "Terror Error" but this was only sold independently in the UK.
In 2008 WHY NOT released the album titled "That Girl" also a limited Edition album containing some new tracks but tracks from some previous albums re-mixed and re-mastered, but also including a track from 1980 sung by the original singer of Why Not titled "Angel" which got an immense amount of airplay.
In 2012 saw the release of the Album "Rock On" which established the band on a new label Manifest Records one of the best Rock labels in Europe and who are now WHY NOT´s permanent recording label.
We come to 2014, and a new Progressive Rock Album is released titled "Drifting", on Manifest Records.
2016: End of April see´s a re-release of The Revolution´s first single I´ve Gone first released in June 1967, plus some odd tracks recorded by Pre-Why Not auditioning its new drummer Rob Godwin in 1970, plus two tracks never released recorded in 1974 with only Geoff Horgan and Platon Georgiades on Bass acoustic, plus a track titled Laila which was never released before and Angel and We Belong Together the Why Not rock Anthem produced by Reg Fellows (Diamond Head Producer and Manager). Plus four brand new Tracks taken from the new upcoming CD, on My Way (with Paul Bridgwater on vocals), Killing Time (with Michael Deichert on vocals), Endvision a prog track, and Glory an instrumental with Why Not´s new drummer Dani Buro to introduce him to the fans. The album has been specially and very carefully digitally re-mastered by Dirk Buro who spent an enourmous amount of time doing this incredible mastering work, and has years of experience not only as a record studio producer but has one of the most modern studios in Europe, and turned a lot of the mono recordings into stereo recordings using a special processor, thanks a lot goes to Dirk. The CD contains old photos from the Revolution and Why Not 1970-1980, picture disc, cover Artwork is by Martin Murray who not only sings but is a really great and talented artist as well his drawings are very good. In the Digi-Pak is also a two page booklet with all information about the songs and recording dates and musicians. If you are lucky perhaps you might be able to buy one out there somewhere. A definite collecters item. Only 200 Cds pressed for this release Limited Edition.
2016: 16th September Why Not´s new album is finally released but only on downloads worldwide not on CD as was originally planned. Its simply titled "THE ALBUM" and contains members: Geoff "Mad Dog" Horgan (Guitars/Vocals/Keys), Dirk "Buko" Buro (Guitars and who is Why Not´s Studio Producer who has worked with Why Not now for over 22 years), Paul Bridgwater (Lead Vocals, and who has known Geoff Horgan since 1991, Paul Bridgwater has performed on many band projects including 2 albums for Radio Moscow (1991-1992), an album with Alex Parche Project 1994, also many other album with Slowburner (1989-today), Marty Murray (Lead Vocals, Canadian born Singer-Songwriter who lives in Niagara Falls, who wrote a few songs on this album and performs on the Song Rainbow acoustically with Dirk Buro on lead guitar written by Paul Bridgwater), Arman Malek (Lead Vocals, who is a very gifted rock singer), Michael Deichert (Lead Vocals, who also performs in his own band project Grayhound OCD), Dani Buro (Drums, an absolutely natural talent and a very young guy but certainly is well learnt and his skills as a drummer are fantastic beyond words). Paul Bridgwater, Marty Murray and Geoff "Mad Dog" wrote songs on this album.
2017: WHY NOT - AH! we have October and Why Not´s new album is finished and on Itunes only to download from 29th September 2017, contains the album mixes only. Their CD is out in from 17 th October and can be bought only from this homepage details in links soon. Nice CD with 12 age Booklet with lots of information released on Manifest Records and this is the last CD release but one can also get it on downloads on itunes soon as well contains an extra track. On the CD are mainly the longplay mixes. Heavy promotion to be made in radio and Press in europe and some radios in the USA. Appearing on the new album: Geoff Horgan - All guitars, Dani Buro - Drums, Paul Bridgwater - Vocals, Alex Klopp - Vocals, Michael Deichert - Vocals, produced by Dirk Buro and partly by Rolf Munkes, cover artwork Marty Murray, the album took a year and a half to write and record, and is probably the best album Why Not has produced in a long time. Lots of videos on Youtube Enjoy the rock!
2018: a double Album released on Downloads and CD titled Why Not -The Best Of..... was released and sold reasonably well we thank all the people that bought it and downloaded and streamed the tracks, was a great album the cover on the album was made by Marty Murray.
2020: now WHY NOT celebrate 55 years in Rock Music and have finished a completely new album titled "Yes We Know" being released on Downloads on 19th June, 2020 worldwide.
2021-23 more tracks released and many videos on downloads now 58 years in Rock!
Four guys started the origins of Why Not in 1965 with a zeal to progress in music and now Why Not is in its 55th year in Rock Music with over 600 Albums plus to their credit most of which are on sale on downloads today, a band whose amazing output of songs totals around 6,000 tracks recorded and released, more than any other rock band in the history of Rock Music. It´s an amazing output of songs and music over 55 years in Rock. On downloads are featured their rockthology series of 40 albums, their Rock On series mof 135 Albums plus many of their Progressive Rock albums plus many other albums which fans can check out.
WHY NOT always remained an Indie Rock Band recording and performing music of their own liking being free to record what they wanted to without being restricted by commercial success. Perhaps they might not have been the biggest name in Rock Music but they are still around releasing their art of Rock Music even today and as Platon Georgiades (Deceased) once said "Why Not is progression in every note". WHY NOT records music other bands only dream of doing. well known in the Press as a very protaganistic rock band they record and write songs other more commercial rock bands never attempt.
Nigel Molden former General Manager of Warner Bros and now boss of the worlds largest independent record label Synergie: "WHY NOT is always ten years ahead of the rest no wonder they are never considered a commericial Rock Band but a progressive one".
Fast Eddie Clarke (Ex-Motorhead/Fastway) "We are the old school WHY NOT was around doing one takers and recording lots of tracks hundreds in fact and making rock history they might never have been the top band but they are amazingly still at it if you don´t know WHY NOT then you don´t know Rock!"
Rock Music is the progression which other popular arts or styles of music feeds from without bands like Why Not and others who invested new ways of songwriting, electronic sounds, arrangements etc their would be no dance or hip hop today. rock Music moves up the middle and constantly is working at new ideas. Geoff Horgan is the original member of WHY NOT and he is still running it today.
Well as they say WHY NOT!! - and it does not end here there is a lot more to come !
Rock on!